Monday, February 16, 2009

Post 15 -- Another This Sucks Moment

Not sure how I missed this before, but under the symptoms/side-effects for my R-CHOP chemo treatments, it states that most people regain their full energy levels anywhere from 6 months to a year after their last treatment.


My plan/goal is to run in a 5K race on Memorial Day weekend. That's 6 weeks after my last chemo treatment... I thought I'd be back to normal or almost normal levels of energy by then.

I'm not sure I could run a 5K today... I ran 1.2 miles a couple of weeks ago, and it drained me.

However, that is still my goal, and I'll continue my daily exercise program to try and keep my stamina/energy levels up.

I resolve to run in that race... I may not beat my time from last year (secondary goal), but I'll at least finish it.

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